Each week MASTERCLASS gives you brief but key information on how to optimise a simple Krav Maga strike or technique.
This week we’ll cover KNEE STRIKE TO THE GROIN, effectively a very close range and explosive attack almost impossible to detect and defend against when done with speed and correct range.
Firstly, the term is a slight misnomer. You are not actually striking with the knee itself. Aiming the knee(cap) towards the groin area is essentially pointing a small striking surface against a (sorry, guys) relative small target. It’s not an optimal choice, especially if the groin moves slightly backwards, leaving the strike off-target.
The knee strike is done with the lower to mid quad area, meaning any groin movement either backwards or forwards is catered for by their longer upper leg being the total striking surface.
Secondly, this is a very close range strike. In upper body comparative terms, it’s on elbow striking range, maybe with a small step to penetrate deeper with the strike. Do not attempt a knee to the groin strike at any longer range, you’ll miss or connect with the lower abdomen of the target. (Here it’s better to kick with the shin; see the Masterclass on kicks to the groin. I see as lot of self defence instructional videos where the knee to the groin is trained or done too far away or too high up, meaning the strike either goes into empty air or hits the belly of the attacker. Use to right strike for the right range).
Thirdly, any strike to the groin is an effective and painful strike, IF the opponent can feel pain and not limited by substance intoxication that cancels sensory reception in the brain. If so, limit yourself to one strike and move to other self defence options such as attacking sight, balance or breathing.
In a real conflict you may at this point be in actual physical contact with your opponent, such as in a grab, hold or a tussle. Your upper body movement is therefore dependent on the dynamics in play in the situation.
The rest of the action is relative simple.
Execute the knee to groin strike by powering the movement through your hips. This is the generator of the motion. Target to put your kneecap underneath and behind the opponent’s groin, connecting with the groin with your lower to mid quad area. There is no need to lift your knee up (unless the opponent is significantly taller than you), just drive the quads forward through your hips at a height where your (relaxed, downward facing) toes are either in contact or near-contact with the floor. As you connect, ‘dig’ the quad into the groin, then quickly recoil the leg back into a balanced position, ready for subsequent action.
You can train the knee to the groin on a hanging bag or something similar or with a partner holding a pad to protect their groin area. Always wear a groin guard.
Picture: Krav Maga Master Gheorghe Husar demonstrating a knew strike to the groin on a pad held by The Krav Maga Educator Gheorghe Orjan Pettersen.